Sunday 5 June 2011

First Stop: Halifax

After a looooooong day of driving, we finally arrived at Nova Scotia's provincial capital, Halifax. The next day we did all sorts of things. We touched the Atlantic Ocean, and I gladly pushed my little sister into the water by "accident". We then went to restaurant call "Murphy's On The Water" which is the largest restaurant on a boat in the world! After a satisfying meal of lobster and fries,we visited the Halifax Citadel, a wonderful place of history that symbolizes Britain's military supremacy. We could heard the cannons firing, and echoes of a war to control Canada. We also enjoyed the Maritime Museum of the Atlantic Ocean. We saw many different kinds of ships there, from a modern day battle cruiser warship, to a small schooner. We also went to Peggy's Cove, and we gazed out to sea, imagining the shores of Great Britain from here.

Halifax is a great place. Everyone there is happy, the weather is so nice, and the ocean is mesmerizing. The food is great, (especially the lobster), and the lifestyle better.  We had a great time in Halifax.

Here is some information on Halifax:
Latitude and Longitude:

44° 38' 60 N 63° 36' 0 W
Population Density:
67.9 people per square km.
Landform Region:
Appalachians (very hilly)
In the month of July, the max temp. is 23°C and the low temp. is 13°C. The average temp. is 13°C. The average precipitation for July is 97mm.
Atlantic Maritime
Closest National Park:
Kejimkujik National Park
Commerce  fishing, agriculture, mining, forestry
Recreation, Atlantic Ocean, Halifax Citadel

Here are some pictures of Halifax:
Halifax skyline
Halifax Citadel
Harbor at Night
Boardwalk in Halifax
Peggy's Cove
Murphy's-On-The-Water Restaurant
Map of Halifax
Map of Nova Scotia

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